EETS Overview
Implementation status per country and overview of the registered EETS ProvidersEETS per country
The map below provides a quick overview of the status of EETS in Europe. The input to the map basically comes from the individual progress reports from the EFP members, as well as general market information.

A remark to the map is that it generally contains high-level information on the country-level. Please also note that the map focuses on whether EETS is practically in operation, implementation is in progress or not available from a market perspective. This map contains no information on whether the EETS Directive 2019/520 has been transposed into national legislation!
Registered EETS Providers
As far as the EFP Secretariat is informed there are currently 20 registered EETS Providers across Europe. The country of registration and the year of the individual registrations is shown in the map.
The overview of registered EETS Providers in Europe reflects the information available to the EFP Secretariat. All EETS Providers with established international operations are included in this overview, but newly established EETS Providers or EETS Providers acting only locally / regionally could be missing.